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- Februari(12)
- Cheat Ninja Saga NS 29012011 Instant Mission Upgra...
- Cheat Ninja Saga 27 Januari 2011 Cheat HP dan CP 2...
- SEO secara Singkat dan Padat
- Berapa Pengunjung yang Diperoleh Jika Jadi Nomor S...
- Trik Blogger | Proteksi Copy Paste Posting Blog
- Membuat Gambar di Sudut Blog
- Animasi Transparent Navbar
- Advertising Options - and the winner is?
- 911 Internet Savvy For Parent's
- 14 Tips To Catch Repeat Visitors To Your Websites
- Mendaftarkan Blog di Google Search Engine
- 4 Essential Ways To Create Instant Affiliate Commi...
- Apa itu Search Engine Optimization | SEO
Cheat Ninja Saga NS 29012011 Instant Mission Upgrade Exp
Kali ini ada update baru nih , langsung aja :
Tools :
- Fiddler : download here !
- GKSelfish : download here !
Steps For Instant Mission:
Ø Download the required files
Ø Extract the downloaded files
Ø Drag it to fiddler (auto responder)
Ø Go to Kage room ENJOY
Note :
*kamu dapat melakukan cheat ini berulang-ulang, tetapi jika char kalian lv 60 saya tidak tahu apa akan terjadi eror, tetapi kalian bisa menggunakan cheat ini.
*misi ada di lvl 39 di mission B lakukan secara berulang ulang lagi dan lagi ..
Happy Cheating (^_^)”
Cheat Ninja Saga 27 Januari 2011 Cheat HP dan CP 27012011
Postingan pertama tentang cheat nih gan, dapet cheat baru tentang cheat HP and CP. Waw kayanya keren juga nih. tancappp>>>>>
Tools: CE Cheat Engine (Download here !)
Tutorial HP
HP God
1. Buka Ninja Saga (jangan diplay dulu).
2. Buka Cheat engine dan pilih process dari browser yang kalian gunakan.
3. Scan Type: Search this array, Value Type: Array of Bytes, centang HEX.
4. Scan "28 00 00 00 0C 03 00 00 26 02 00 00 03 00 00 00".
5. Double-click Valuenya.
6. Ganti value menjadi "FF 22 0C 00 00 03 00 00 26 02 00 00 03 00 00 00".
7. centang "frozen" disebelah kiri address.
8. pilih char kalian trus "PLAY".
9. Pergi ke misi/hunting house...dan liat hasilnya...
Tutorial CP
CP God
1. Buka Ninja Saga (jangan diplay dulu).
2. Buka Cheat engine dan pilih process dari browser yang kalian gunakan.
3. Scan Type: Search this array, Value Type: Array of Bytes, centang HEX.
4. Scan "28 00 00 00 88 13 00 00 28 00 00 00 03 00 00 00".
5. Double-click Valuenya.
6. Ganti value menjadi "FF 22 00 00 88 13 00 00 28 00 00 00 03 00 00 00".
7. centang "frozen" disebelah kiri address.
8. pilih char kalian trus "PLAY".
9. Pergi ke misi/hunting house...dan liat hasilnya...
Credit to :™NanzGodLike™,Agus S.T,GodKnows Teams
SEO secara Singkat dan Padat
Pertama, kenalilah blog kamu! Apa yang akan kamu angkat dalam blog tersebut (ex: trik blogger)? Jika kamu telah memahami point-point apa saja yang akan diangkat, itu artinya kamu telah bisa mengambil benang merahnya, berupa tema dalam blog kamu. Dan berawal dari tema tersebut, maka kamu nantinya akan mengetahui ke arah mana blog tersebut dikemudikan.
Kedua, tentukan keyword atau kata kunci blog kamu. Apabila keywordblog berbicara tentang "trik blogger", tapi yang banyak diulas malahan mengenai "trik menangkap nyamuk" berarti kamu kurang konsekuen menerapkan keyword. Jadi inti dari keyword adalah konsekuen dan komitmen. Bagaimana cara memasang keyword di blogger dapat kamu baca dalam posting memasang meta tags
Ketiga, mulai membuat posting yang sesuai dengan tema dan keywordminimal 10 posting. Why? Sebab dengan memperbanyak postingan, maka akan menyaring lebih banyak pula kata-kata kunci (keyword) yang nantinya akan di crawl oleh search engine. Bahasa sederhananya mungkin seperti ini "kata kunci yang akan diserap dan dimasukkan dalam database search engine". Dilain pihak mungkin ada posting blog kamu yang bersumber dari blog lain. Nah, jangan segan-segan untuk meletakkan link sumber posting blog kamu, karena hal ini akan lebih memurnikan isi posting kamu dari unsur-unsur copy-paste.
Ketiga, mulai membuat posting yang sesuai dengan tema dan keywordminimal 10 posting. Why? Sebab dengan memperbanyak postingan, maka akan menyaring lebih banyak pula kata-kata kunci (keyword) yang nantinya akan di crawl oleh search engine. Bahasa sederhananya mungkin seperti ini "kata kunci yang akan diserap dan dimasukkan dalam database search engine". Dilain pihak mungkin ada posting blog kamu yang bersumber dari blog lain. Nah, jangan segan-segan untuk meletakkan link sumber posting blog kamu, karena hal ini akan lebih memurnikan isi posting kamu dari unsur-unsur copy-paste.
Keempat, jangan lupa!!? Maksudnya jangan lupa membuat tautan/link antar posting di blog kamu, supaya jika "posting A" mulai terindeks maka diharapkan ia akan mengajak posting-posting lainnya (dalam link tersebut) untuk ikut diindeks oleh search engine. Yah, semacam jaring laba-laba (spider).
Tips SEO
Berapa Pengunjung yang Diperoleh Jika Jadi Nomor Satu di Google??
Wah topik menarik nih buat saya. Kapan blog ini ada di urutan pertama di Search Engine Google ya? Wah masih impian tuh kayanya. Dua alasan orang menempati posisi nomor satu di Google adalah prestise (gengsi) dan prestasi. Prestise artinya menaikkan pamor sehingga layak disebut master SEO, sementara prestasi berkaitan dengan jumlah pengunjung yang diperoleh. Pertanyaannya adalah seberapa banyak pengunjung yang diperoleh bila suatu blog atau situs menempati peringkat pertama di hasil penelusuran Google?
Salah satu jawabannya datang dari penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Universitas Cornell, Amerika Serikat, pada 2008 lalu. Mereka menggunakan eye tracking technology untuk mengetahui persentase pengunjung yang mengklik situs yang ada di peringkat satu dan seterusnya. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa peringkat pertama Google tidak mendapatkan 100 % pengunjung, namun mendapatkan 56,36 % saja. Sisanya terbagi ke posisi di bawahnya (lihat gambar di bawah ini).
Dengan kata lain, jika suatu kata kunci dicari 100,000 orang per bulan, maka situs atau blog yang menempati peringkat pertama untuk kata kunci tersebut akan mendapat sekitar 56,360 pengunjung unik per bulannya. Semakin banyak yang mencarinya (misalnya satu juta sebulan), maka semakin banyak pula pengunjung yang akan didapatkan per bulannya. Oleh karena itu, mungkin inilah alasan mengapa orang ingin menempatkan blog atau situsnya di peringkat pertama Google untuk suatu kata kunci.
Bagaimana dengan Anda, apakah ingin menempati peringkat satu Google untuk kata kunci yang Anda bidik? Kalo saya sih ingin berada di no 1 nya mbah google.
Mengorek sedikit tetang WiMAX, kedatangan WiMAX di Indonesia sangat di nanti nantikan para pengguna internet di Indonesia. Apalagi WiMAX merupakan layanan internet yang memiliki kecepatan tinggi. Sedikit ulasan tentang WiMAX
WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Acces
Koneksi internet saat ini yang mungkin telah dikenal ada tiga jenis seperti misalnya :
· Broadband Acces
· Wifi Acces
· Dial-up Acces
Dari ketiga sistem acces tersebut mungkin Broadband Acces dan Wifi Acces yang dapat digunakan dengan nyaman dan praktis, namun memiliki keterbatasan dibutuhkannya anggaran yang besar untuk teknologi ini, cakupan area yang hanya ± 2,5 square miles atau 6,5 km persegi (inipun teknologi ADSL2,sedangkan teknologi ADSL dan DSL konvensional jauh lebih pendek dan masih menggunakan kabel), hot spot yang ditawarkan saat ini juga sangat terbatas.
WiMax ( Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Acces ) diharapkan dapat memecahkan masalah ekonomis dan memiliki cakupan area yang luas, dimana teknologi ini dapat memberikan :
· Broadband Service dengan kecepatan yang sangat tinggi nirkabel dan memiliki kemudahan untuk memperluas daerah cakupan Cakupan wilayah seperti network komunikasi (GSM, CDMA)
· Dengan Teknologi Akses Micromave, yang menggunakan gelombang mikro sebagai media pengganti kabel, sehinga membuat Wimax dapat menjangkau cakupan area yang luas dan memiliki kemudahan yang praktis seperti juga Wi-FI.
Trik Blogger | Proteksi Copy Paste Posting Blog
Saat kamu membaca postingan ini, coba buka tab baru dalam halaman browsing dengan menekan tombol "Ctrl + T" di keyboard. Klik tab baru yang masih blank dan ketik dalam kotak address bar dengan alamat blog kamu. Sekarang blog kamu telah ditampilkan di sebelah kanan postingan ini. Betul tidak? Silakan kamu buka salah satu posting tentang apa saja. Sudah...? Blok halaman postingan kamu dan pastekan dalam notepad. Jika postingan kamu ter-blok, berarti posting blog kamu bebas untuk di copy paste (copas). Secara otomatis kamu harus rela dan iklas apabila suatu saat orang lain melakukan duplikasi terhadap postingan blog kamu.
Ada salah satu cara agar posting blog terlindungi dari copas, supaya tidak kelamaan berikut trik blogger-nya :
- Login dulu ke account blogger kamu.
- Pilih tab Tata Letak --> Edit HTML --> centang "Expand Template Widget".
Tips : Sebelum melakukan edit template, sebaiknya simpan dulu template kamu yang ada dengan meng-klik tulisan Download Template Lengkap. Kemudian simpan dalam harddisk atau media penyimpanan lainnya, sehingga jika terjadi hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan kamu sudah memiliki back-up untuk mengembalikannya seperti semula.
- Kemudian cari kode </head>
Tips : Kalau susah mencarinya, coba tekan tombol F3 di keyboard. Maka akan timbul menu toolbar pencarian di bawah browser (Firefox), sehingga kamu tinggal memasukkan kata yang ingin dicari.
Tips dan trik
Membuat Gambar di Sudut Blog
Sekarang saya akan memposting tentang membuat image di sudut blog kita. Salah satu trik blogger agar blog kelihatan tambah menarik adalah memasang image di sudut blog. Pemasangan image bisa di atas kiri, atas kanan, bawah kiri, dan bawah kanan. Selain itu trik ini juga dapat dimanfaatkan untuk fungsi yang lain, sesuai dengan apa yang kamu inginkan.
- Login ke account blogger kamu.
- Pilih Tata Letak --> Edit HTML.
Tips : Sebelum melakukan edit template, sebaiknya simpan dulu template kamu yang ada dengan meng-klik tulisan Download Template Lengkap. Kemudian simpan dalam harddisk atau media penyimpanan lainnya, sehingga jika terjadi hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan kamu sudah memiliki back-up untuk mengembalikannya seperti semula.
- Tambahkan kode berikut di atas kode ]]></b:skin>.
#anima_sudut {
position:fixed;_position:relative;top:0px; left:0px;
document.documentElement.clientHeight-this.clientHeight); _left:expression(document.documentElement.scrollLeft+ document.documentElement.clientWidth - offsetWidth); }
Tips dan trik
Animasi Transparent Navbar
Sumber : (blogspot) Animasi jQuery untuk Navbar by Ardianzzz
Yang perlu dijadikan catatan pada trik ini adalah kita tidak mengubah navbar bawaan default blogger, melainkan sedikit menambah kreasi agar navbar tersebut tampil lebih menarik. Di samping itu, ketika kita mengunjungi blog lain tidak jarang ditemukan blog yang memiliki kresi pada navbarnya, antara lain ; memasang auto hide, menindih navbar bawaan blogger dengan navbar lain, mengganti dengan jenis navbar lain, bahkan menghilangkan secara permanen navbar tersebut.
Nah, jika kamu tidak ingin menghilangkan navbar default tersebut, tapi hanya ingin memodifikasinya, mungkin trik blogger ini dapat menjadi salah satu referensi untuk diterapkan dalam blog kamu. Trikini menampilkan navbar blogger secara transparan dengan menggunakan jQuery, namun akan terlihat ketika didekati oleh kursor mouse. Adapaun jQuery-nya dapat disimak seperti di bawah ini :
Nah, jika kamu tidak ingin menghilangkan navbar default tersebut, tapi hanya ingin memodifikasinya, mungkin trik blogger ini dapat menjadi salah satu referensi untuk diterapkan dalam blog kamu. Trikini menampilkan navbar blogger secara transparan dengan menggunakan jQuery, namun akan terlihat ketika didekati oleh kursor mouse. Adapaun jQuery-nya dapat disimak seperti di bawah ini :
Tips dan trik
For web entrepreneurs, you'll discover how to start an web affiliate marketing campaign in a right way in this editorial. With the right web affiliate marketing campaign & the proactive affiliate marketing entrepreneurs, you can boost skyrocket your sales & profits online.
Some business owners opt to start an web affiliate marketing campaign as part of their overall marketing strategy. In most cases the web affiliate marketing campaign is only a small portion of the overall marketing strategy but there's some business owners who opt to rely exclusively on this type of marketing. The main purpose of doing this is to save funds while still achieving valuable advertising & making extra profits.
However, two times a home based online business becomes more successful they should consider being more proactive & combining web affiliate marketing with other types of web marketing such as placing banner ads & orchestrating an email marketing campaign. This article will take a look at what web affiliate marketing is & will provide insight into why this is popular & how it can be used effectively.
READ THIS: If you are truly serious about how to start highly profitable web affiliate marketing campaign online.
An web affiliate marketing campaign is essentially a situation where other website owners place ads for your business on their websites. These website owners are known as affiliates. it is important to understand how this type of marketing works. In general the affiliates are given code for your banner ad to place on their website & given the freedom to promote their own website as they see fit. In promoting their website they are also attracting attention to your website because of the banner ad directing visitors to your own web-site.
Advertising Options - and the winner is?
Are you chasing search engine traffic and pondering your options? Almost anyone on the internet these days would love to increase traffic to thier website regardless of their "niche".
Clearly search engines have the potential to deliver a steady flow of targeted traffic to your website. Listed below are several suggestions for efficient use of your money when it comes togetting traffic to your website.
Here are 3 basic areas to consider:
1. Placing some key targeted pages on the internet that are SEO'ed to draw traffic back to your primary website.
2. Using Google "pay per click" campaigns with your favorite suite of targeted keywords.
3. Placing carefully targeted content on your website homepage.
If you are working on a limited budget it may be best to consider Options #1 and #3 as your first choices. The pay per click trafficgenerators can get to be very expensive in a short time, and these will continue to cost you money while each campaign is active.
If your focus is on pay per click, be sure to spend adequate time and effort to research and generate a list of relevant and effective keywords. There are many tools for helping with this task available on the internet and once your campaign is launched you can start to monitor and test your conversions. If you are promoting your own product you can always reinvest your earnings to continue your campaign and grow your income.
Clearly search engines have the potential to deliver a steady flow of targeted traffic to your website. Listed below are several suggestions for efficient use of your money when it comes togetting traffic to your website.
Here are 3 basic areas to consider:
1. Placing some key targeted pages on the internet that are SEO'ed to draw traffic back to your primary website.
2. Using Google "pay per click" campaigns with your favorite suite of targeted keywords.
3. Placing carefully targeted content on your website homepage.
If you are working on a limited budget it may be best to consider Options #1 and #3 as your first choices. The pay per click trafficgenerators can get to be very expensive in a short time, and these will continue to cost you money while each campaign is active.
If your focus is on pay per click, be sure to spend adequate time and effort to research and generate a list of relevant and effective keywords. There are many tools for helping with this task available on the internet and once your campaign is launched you can start to monitor and test your conversions. If you are promoting your own product you can always reinvest your earnings to continue your campaign and grow your income.
911 Internet Savvy For Parent's
The internet could be considered an entry into a brave new world for this millennium. To be successful in this world you must have access and knowledge of how to use the internet. Children that are able to use the internet will be better prepared for high school, college and the job market.
Lawrence J. Magid of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children states, "millions of people are now going online to exchange electronic mail (E-mail) and instant messages; participate in chat groups; post and read messages in newsgroups, which are sometimes called bulletin boards; "surf" the world wide web; and many other online activities. Children are no exception in fact they are more likely to be online than adults." The internet is a powerful, educational learning tool that can also be extremely dangerous for children.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006, Austin American -Statesman reported that a teenagers , mother was suing for $30 million the suit filed in Travis County claims popular Internet site fails to protect children from adult sexual predators. The lawsuit includes news reports of other assault cases in which girls were contacted through MySpace. The real question here is should MySpace be held responsible for the safety of your child or is that your job.
Lawrence J. Magid of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children states, "millions of people are now going online to exchange electronic mail (E-mail) and instant messages; participate in chat groups; post and read messages in newsgroups, which are sometimes called bulletin boards; "surf" the world wide web; and many other online activities. Children are no exception in fact they are more likely to be online than adults." The internet is a powerful, educational learning tool that can also be extremely dangerous for children.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006, Austin American -Statesman reported that a teenagers , mother was suing for $30 million the suit filed in Travis County claims popular Internet site fails to protect children from adult sexual predators. The lawsuit includes news reports of other assault cases in which girls were contacted through MySpace. The real question here is should MySpace be held responsible for the safety of your child or is that your job.
MySpace is not the only social networking website just the largest boasting a membership of 70-80 million users, Bebo ranks 2nd with a membership of 23million users and other popular teen sites include,,, and An article published on June 4, 2006 in Fairfield New Zealand Ltd., Stuff on, "Social Networking Websites Target NZ Teens in Turf Battle" by Kent Atkinson asserts that, children flock online to hang out with friends, express their hopes and dreams and bare their souls with often painful honesty – mostly unbeknownst to their tech-clumsy parents.
All of theses incident have occurred within the last couple of months. There are so many safety features on the internet for parents to use that these incidents should not have happened. You would not send you child outside to play on a busy freeway because it is dangerous, well so is the internet. Parents are going to have to accept the responsibility of monitoring their child's usage on the internet. There are many tools to help the novice internet users and the expert internet users monitor there children.
All of theses incident have occurred within the last couple of months. There are so many safety features on the internet for parents to use that these incidents should not have happened. You would not send you child outside to play on a busy freeway because it is dangerous, well so is the internet. Parents are going to have to accept the responsibility of monitoring their child's usage on the internet. There are many tools to help the novice internet users and the expert internet users monitor there children.
14 Tips To Catch Repeat Visitors To Your Websites
It is not enough to get people to visit your website. The most important things are to make them stay and visit again the next time they log on to the internet, and to inform other people of the existence of your website. Here are some helpful tips you should consider when designing your website in order to make visitors come back for more:
1. Your home or opening page should contain a clear explanation of what your site is all about. No one wants to waste time clicking on links and going through pages of text just to discover what your intentions are.
2. Your site must be easily navigable. A site menu at the top, bottom, or side of each page is very helpful especially for a first time visitor, especially if your site has lots of pages.
3. Your site's content is its heart, so make sure that it has substance. The content is you talking to the visitor, so you should be concerned about making a good impression.
4. Your links should be clearly labeled. If a link leads to a guestbook, a 'Guestbook' name for such link is direct and straight to the point.
5. Dark text on light background is best for reading. Black text on white background is the most readable. Light on dark can work too, but it tends to be glaring for some people.
1. Your home or opening page should contain a clear explanation of what your site is all about. No one wants to waste time clicking on links and going through pages of text just to discover what your intentions are.
2. Your site must be easily navigable. A site menu at the top, bottom, or side of each page is very helpful especially for a first time visitor, especially if your site has lots of pages.
3. Your site's content is its heart, so make sure that it has substance. The content is you talking to the visitor, so you should be concerned about making a good impression.
4. Your links should be clearly labeled. If a link leads to a guestbook, a 'Guestbook' name for such link is direct and straight to the point.
5. Dark text on light background is best for reading. Black text on white background is the most readable. Light on dark can work too, but it tends to be glaring for some people.
6. Your color scheme must fit the mood of the content of your site and suit your target audience. Whatever colors you use, make sure that they all go with each other. Clashing colors can be a major eyesore.
Mendaftarkan Blog di Google Search Engine
Setelah blog selesai, coba masukkan judul blog kamu pada search engine google. Apa yang terjadi? Kemungkinan besar google belum bisa membacanya. Hal ini dikarenakan blog tersebut masih berpredikat sebagai "new custumer", sehingga masih belum cukup syarat untuk terindeks di mesin pencari google. Terkecuali kamu telah melakukan beberapa cara, namun upaya itu pun tidak jarang memerlukan waktu yang panjang dan proses yang berliku. Yang akan diulas kali ini pun tidak menjamin bahwa blog kamu akan cepat terindeks, tapi usaha ini perlu dilakukan dalam upaya memperkenalkan blog kamu kepada search engine google. Maka dari itu selalu mencari cara agar blog kita bisa kedeteks sama mbah google.
langsung aja deh kita ungkap caranya :
- Klik di sini untuk memulai pendaftaran. Halaman browsing kamu akan ditampilkan seperti di bawah ini
- Pada "URL", masukkan alamat lengkap blog kamu (ex :
- Tambahkan komentar atau kata kunci yang mendeskripsikan mengenai blog kamu dalam kotak isi-an "Komentar". Kalimat atau kata kunci yang kamu masukkan dalam "Komentar" tidak akan mempengaruhi cara pengindeksan oleh google.
- Selanjutnya masukkan huruf yang tampil dalam kotak di atas tombol "Tambahkan URL"
- Terakhir klik "Tambahkan URL".
Tunggu loading ke halaman verifikasi yang menyatakan blog kamu telah dimasukkan dalam database google dan bersabar untuk penayangannya di search engine google. Nah kalo udah ada itu juga belum bisa jadi jaminan blog kalian ada di peringkat 1-10. Kemungkinan sih masih jauh di belakang. Hehehe :D
Tips dan trik
4 Essential Ways To Create Instant Affiliate Commissions
One of the easiest ways of starting an online business and earning quick profits is through affiliate marketing. With no website to develop, no product development to achieve, no refunds or customer problems to deal with, this is by far the most effective way of developing your online presence.
If you already have your affiliate products and you're working at making more sales, an increase in commissions is the obvious goal of everyone. With more and more products hitting the online market, it's essential to follow some simple yet crucial steps. So what are they?
If you want your affiliate program commissions to take off, literally overnight, these are the steps you need to seriously consider;
1. Do your research and check out the programs you're thinking about promoting. It's pretty obvious that you only want to promote a product that will give you the maximum paycheck in the shortest possible time.
The main factors to consider when doing this are obvious when you stop and think about them, but more often than not, are not fully considered before putting your time and money into making your product pay.
Check the commission structure and make sure it pays well. Also, try to find products that match your target audience and are already paying well to other affiliates. You soon know when a program isn't meeting up to it's promises - that's the time to reconsider its worth and move on to the next.
If you already have your affiliate products and you're working at making more sales, an increase in commissions is the obvious goal of everyone. With more and more products hitting the online market, it's essential to follow some simple yet crucial steps. So what are they?
If you want your affiliate program commissions to take off, literally overnight, these are the steps you need to seriously consider;
1. Do your research and check out the programs you're thinking about promoting. It's pretty obvious that you only want to promote a product that will give you the maximum paycheck in the shortest possible time.
The main factors to consider when doing this are obvious when you stop and think about them, but more often than not, are not fully considered before putting your time and money into making your product pay.
Check the commission structure and make sure it pays well. Also, try to find products that match your target audience and are already paying well to other affiliates. You soon know when a program isn't meeting up to it's promises - that's the time to reconsider its worth and move on to the next.
As you're probably going to be one of many affiliates promoting the same product, especially if it's a good one, establish your USP - or 'Unique Selling Position'. Set yourself up as offering that little something extra that makes you stand out above the crowd.
Write a short article to give away as an incentive to potential buyers. This gives you both greater credibility and extra drawing power.
Give information that's not only free, but useful. When you do this, if what you give away for free is good, people naturally expect a great deal more from the bought product. Make recommendations about the product within the report if you can, and try to give just enough information to make people need the actual product.
Write a short article to give away as an incentive to potential buyers. This gives you both greater credibility and extra drawing power.
Give information that's not only free, but useful. When you do this, if what you give away for free is good, people naturally expect a great deal more from the bought product. Make recommendations about the product within the report if you can, and try to give just enough information to make people need the actual product.
Apa itu Search Engine Optimization | SEO
Kali ini kita akan membahas tentang SEO atau Search Engine Optimization adalah serangkaian proses yang dilakukan secara sistematis yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan volume dan kualitas trafik dari mesin pencari menuju alamat situs web tertentu dengan memanfaatkan mekanisme kerja alami algoritma mesin pencari tersebut. Tujuan spesifik SEO adalah menempatkan suatu alamat situs web pada posisi teratas (atau setidaknya pada halaman pertama) hasil pencarian berdasarkan subyek tertentu.(
Illustrasi di atas merupakan gambaran yang jelas mengenai betapa pentingnya sebuah SEO. Secara alami sebuah blog memiliki hak yang sama untuk di deteksi oleh search engine atau mesin pencari, namun blog juga harus tahu kewajibannya untuk memberikan layanan (service) yang baik ke search engine. Jangan mentang-mentang haknya terpenuhi lalu mengisi bermacam-macam keyword yang tidak sesuai dengan konten di dalamnya. Kalau si search engine marah, minimal blog kamu kena "warning" bahkan kalau saking parahnya bisa-bisa sampai dibanned atau dibekukan lho. Wah...amit-amit.
Berdasarkan uraian diatas kita dapat mengambil benang merahnya, bahwa SEO blog merupakan cara-cara agar blog terdeteksi dan menempati peringkat teratas dalam daftar pencarian oleh mesin pencari yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan trafik ke blog itu sendiri. Semakin tinggi trafik, maka akan semakin besar pula peluang rankingyang didapat oleh blog kamu. Sedangkan peringkat dalam daftar pencarian didasarkan kepada kesesuaian antara title (judul), keyword (kata kunci), dan konten (isi) blog.
Jangan lupa! Orang tidak akan kenal dengan blogmu, jika kamu tidak memperkenalkannya.
Berdasarkan uraian diatas kita dapat mengambil benang merahnya, bahwa SEO blog merupakan cara-cara agar blog terdeteksi dan menempati peringkat teratas dalam daftar pencarian oleh mesin pencari yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan trafik ke blog itu sendiri. Semakin tinggi trafik, maka akan semakin besar pula peluang rankingyang didapat oleh blog kamu. Sedangkan peringkat dalam daftar pencarian didasarkan kepada kesesuaian antara title (judul), keyword (kata kunci), dan konten (isi) blog.
Jangan lupa! Orang tidak akan kenal dengan blogmu, jika kamu tidak memperkenalkannya.
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